
Dr Glen Currie

Victorian based business manager with experience in 44 countries. A Fellow of the Australian Institute of Energy and active in the energy industry from electricity generation to retail including commercialization of new technologies.

Over 20 years’ experience strategically planning and leading transformations of companies. At Caterpillar, Glen was a Senior Consultant in the Service Department technology program for dealers in Europe, Asia and Australia. Led business for CSIRO Energy and became passionate about the energy transition. Next, started up solar and energy technology businesses and recent PhD in Consumer Roles in the Future Electricity System. Glen leads complex problem solving, quickly marshalling teams to respond to changing circumstances. His mandates in previous roles included helping to “fix” the commercial process and associated systems within CSIRO Energy and his PhD has been under the supervision of leading Professors Colin Duffield, Robin Evans and Iven Mareels. Specialties: energy, solar, and the energy transition.